The Nebraska Industrial Developers Association (NIDA) was officially formed in January, 1973. The members of the association changed the name of the association to the Nebraska Economic Developers Association NEDA in 1992.
NEDA’s major activities are centered around one annual conference and one annual training session, both of which are primarily concerned with continuing education for its members, legislative review to inform members of proposed legislation affecting economic development, scholarships for basic and advance study in the economic development field and sponsorship of economic development workshops for local community leaders. The members of NEDA are dedicated to promoting the steady and balanced growth of Nebraska’s economy, assisting anyone who would like to know more about the economic potential of Nebraska.
Certified Economic Developers (CEcD)
The designation, Certified Economic Developer (CEcD), is a registered name of the International Economic Development Council, Inc. The designation is awarded to those who have the qualifications to take and pass an examination which tests the varied skills of a person who has had practical experience in the economic development field. Many NEDA members have the CEcD designation which is an indication of the high level of professionalism among the economic developers of the state.
Constitution and By-Laws of Nebraska Economic Developers Association
The name of this organization shall be Nebraska Economic Developers Association (NEDA)
The main office of NEDA is located at 521 1st St, Milford, NE 68405. The alternate office of NEDA is located at 301 Centennial Mall South in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. NEDA will maintain a registered office and agent as required by the Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation act.
NEDA exists to strengthen economic development in the State of Nebraska through the education and professional development of its members.
Section 4.1 Classification of Members: NEDA shall have three classes of members. The designation of classes and the qualifications and rights are as follows:
Section 4.2 Members: A member is classified as any individual that is interested in economic development in the State of Nebraska. Members are entitled to all rights and privileges of the association with the exception of the right to hold office. The right to hold office is restricted to those NEDA members that are actively employed in a full-time professional economic development position. The NEDA Board of Directors reserves the right to determine if an individual is eligible to hold office based on that individual’s current professional economic development position status.
Section 4.3 Honorary Members: Honorary members are classified as those individuals who are not directly engaged in an economic development capacity but who support and have made an outstanding contribution to the overall economic growth in the State of Nebraska. Honorary members of NEDA are entitled to all the rights and privileges of the association except the right to vote and the right to hold office.
Section 4.4 Lifetime Members: Lifetime members are classified as those individuals who have been an active member of NEDA and previously served in a full-time economic development capacity in the State of Nebraska for a total of fifteen (15) consecutive years or more. Lifetime members are entitled to all the rights and privileges of the association except the right to vote and the right to hold office. The NEDA Board of Directors reserves the right to approve individuals whose service time varies from the above fifteen year requirement through a majority vote
Section 4.5 Membership Application Process: Individuals may apply to become a member of NEDA by making application to the Board of Directors and pay the applicable membership fees. A majority by the Board of Directors is necessary for approval for any of the classes of membership. Once a membership application is approved, the membership fees become the property of NEDA. In the event that a member application is denied, all collected fees will be returned to the applicant.
Section 4.6 Application Process for Members: Membership applications for members can be obtained by contacting the Executive Director or online at www.neda1.org. Completed applications shall be submitted to the Executive Director along with the required fee and shall include a sponsorship endorsement from at least one active member of NEDA.
Section 4.7 Application Process for Honorary Members: Honorary members shall be nominated by any member in good standing in NEDA. Nominations shall be received in the form of a nomination letter and shall be submitted directly to the NEDA Board of Directors. Nomination letters shall clearly define the reason(s) for requesting honorary membership status.
Section 4.8 Membership Approval: The Executive Director shall provide all membership applications directly to the NEDA Board of Directors for review. Applications shall be reviewed and voted on at the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings or via electronic transmission from the President of NEDA. The NEDA Board of directors reserves the right to determine final eligibility. The Executive Director shall notify each application of approval or denial of their membership application in writing.
Section 4.9 Membership Fees: A requirement for membership in NEDA is the payment of annual membership fees. Membership fees shall be determined by the NEDA Board of Directors. Membership fees shall be payable to NEDA on an annual basis. The NEDA Executive Director will invoice each member annually. Members that fall ninety (90) days delinquent in the payment of their fees shall be subject to termination by a majority vote of the NEDA Board of Directors. Honorary and lifetime members shall be exempt from annual membership fees.
Section 4.10 Transfer of Membership: NEDA memberships are nontransferable.
Section 4.11 Resignation of Members: Members may resign from NEDA by providing written notice to the Executive Director.
Section 4.12 Membership Voting Privileges: All voting members in good standing in NEDA shall be entitled to one vote per membership on matters presented during full membership meetings.
Section 5.1 General Powers: All affairs of NEDA shall be managed by the Board of Directors.
Section 5.2 Number of Directors: NEDA shall have a total of nine (9) Directors and two (2) ex-officio Directors.
Section 5.3 Manner of Selection: The Directors of NEDA shall be nominated and elected at the annual membership meeting. Nominees must be a member in good standing in NEDA. No more than two members of the Board of Directors may be NEDA members who are not directly employed as an Economic Development professional working for an Economic Development Organization or utility. The membership shall elect the Board of Directors and the Directors shall then elect a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All members of the Board of Directors are eligible for officer position. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall make up the Nebraska Economic Developers Association’s Executive Committee. Should a Board members professional position fall outside of these parameters during their tenure as a Board member, they may continue to serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Section 5.4 Director Terms: Directors shall be elected to serve a two (2) year term. No Director shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. Members that are actively employed in a full-time professional economic development position are eligible to be nominated for reelection to the NEDA Board of Directors after a one (1) year absence from the Board.
Section 5.5 Ex-Officio Directors: The immediate Past President of NEDA shall be a voting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors. The Director or the Deputy Director of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development shall be a non-voting member of the Board of Directors.
Section 5.6 Director Vacancies: Should a Director vacate their term prematurely, a new Director shall be appointed by a majority vote of the current Board of Directors. The vote to fill the vacancy can be conducted at a special meeting, a regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting, the annual meeting, by electronic transmission or through the United States Postal Service. A director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected to complete the unexpired term of his or her predecessor and shall be eligible to serve a full term following the remainder of the current term.
Section 5.7 Nominating Committee: The President of NEDA shall select a nominating committee no less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the annual meeting. The nominating committee shall consist of two (2) members of the current Board of Directors and two (2) members (in good standing) from the general membership base. The President of NEDA shall present the nominating committee names to the Board of Directors for approval. The nominating committee shall present a slate of directors at the annual meeting with supplementary nominations also being accepted from the floor. Nominees receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to the Board of Directors.
Section 5.8 Compensation: Directors shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services.
Section 6.1 Officers: Officers of NEDA shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers of NEDA shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services.
Section 6.2 Election and Term of Office: The Officers of NEDA shall be elected annually at the annual meeting. Once a board member is elected to any office, that board member may be allowed to move up through the officer positions regardless of their term limit on the board. Terms for officer positions shall not exceed one (1) year per office held.
Section 6.3 Removal of Officer: Any officer elected by the Board of Directors may be removed by a majority voted of the current Board of Directors whenever it is in the best interest of NEDA.
Section 6.4 Officer Vacancies: Should an Officer vacate their term, a new Officer can be elected by a majority vote of the current Board of Directors. The vote to fill a vacancy can be conducted at a special meeting, a regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting, the annual meeting, by electronic transmission or through the United State Postal Service. An Officer elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor.
Section 6.5 President: The President of NEDA shall be the principal executive officer of the corporation. The President shall supervise and control all of the business affairs of the corporation. The President shall attend Board of Directors and Membership meetings or appoint another Officer to attend in his/her absence. The President may sign instruments in which the Board of Directors has approved to be executed. The President is responsible for approving and signing checks for all expenditures of NEDA. The President shall perform other duties as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
Section 6.6 Vice President: The Vice President of NEDA shall be the second principal executive officer of the corporation. The Vice President shall assist the President in the supervision and control of the business affairs of the corporation. The Vice President shall attend Board of Directors and Membership meetings and shall fill in for the President in his/her absence. The Vice President may sign documents in which the Board of Directors has approved to be executed. The Vice President shall perform other duties as deemed necessary by the President or the Board of Directors.
Section 6.7 Treasurer: The Treasurer of NEDA shall be the third principal executive officer of the corporation. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds and securities of NEDA. The Treasurer may sign instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed. The Treasurer is responsible for approving and signing checks for all expenditures of NEDA. The Treasurer shall provide a report to the board of Directors on the financial status of the corporation at each Board of Directors meeting or no less than twice per year.
Section 6.8 Secretary: The Secretary of NEDA shall be the fourth principal executive officer of the corporation. The Secretary shall be responsible for reviewing the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and Membership. The Secretary may sign instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed. The Secretary will submit the minutes to the Board of Directors for approval at each board meeting and perform other duties deemed necessary by the President or the Board of Directors.
Section 6.9 Executive Committee: The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary of NEDA shall comprise the Executive Committee. There will be no regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President to review special circumstance items. If action is required on the special circumstance item, the Executive Committee will make a recommendation to the full Board of Directors at either a special meeting or the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting.
Section 7.1 Annual Membership Meeting: An annual membership meeting shall be held each year. The date and location of the annual membership meeting shall be voted on by the Board of Directors and announced by the President no less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. The President can notify the full membership via electronic transmission or through the United States Postal Service. The purpose of the annual membership meeting is to review activity for the year, vote on any item that requires full membership approval and provide professional training opportunities.
Section 7.2 Training Seminar: A training session shall be held each year. The date and location of the training seminar shall be voted on by the Board of Directors. The President can notify the full membership via electronic transmission or through the United States Postal Service of said seminar. The purpose of the training seminar shall provide professional in depth instruction on a specific topic.
Section 7.3 Special Membership Meetings: A special membership meeting may be called by the President, two (2) officers of the Board of Directors or any three (3) voting members in good standing in NEDA. The President shall notify the full membership no less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Notification of said meeting can be sent via electronic transmission or through the United States Postal Service.
Section 7.4 Board of Director Meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet on a quarterly basis or as requested by the President. The President shall notify the Board of Directors no less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Notification of said meeting can be sent via electronic transmission or through the United States Postal Service. The President may choose to transact NEDA business through conference calls or via electronic transmission. Actions taken by the Board of Directors through conference calls and electronic transmission should be limited to three (3) items and shall include a complete description of the item.
Section 7.5 Quorum for Board of Directors Meetings: A quorum consists of at least six (6) eligible voting members in attendance at any given Board of Directors meeting. Actions of the Board of Directors shall not be considered valid unless approved by a majority vote.
Section 8.1 NEDA Committees: If deemed necessary, the Board of Directors shall establish committees to handle the business affairs of NEDA. Committees may be given powers and duties deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall appoint a Committee Chairperson for each NEDA committee established. The Chairperson shall serve a two (2) year term or consecutive terms and then the Board of Directors shall appoint a new Committee Chair. The Board of Directors shall establish the rules and regulations for any committee that represents NEDA. The following is a list of current NEDA committees and a description of their purpose.
Section 8.2 Membership Committee: The Membership Committee will plan a new member reception at the Annual Membership Conference and make contact with new NEDA members. The committee will assist the NEDA Executive Director in contacting members who have not renewed their membership dues. At the direction of the NEDA Board of Directors, this committee will be in charge of conducting surveys of membership on topics such as salaries, turnover or standard operating procedures for members organizations.
Section 8.3 Scholarship Committee: The Scholarship Committee will review scholarship applications, make recommendations to the NEDA Board of Directors for approval, follow-up with recipients on reports and facilitate reporting to the general membership during a NEDA Conference. The committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the NEDA Board of Directors regarding policies in awarding scholarships..
Section 8.4 Legislative Committee: The Legislative Committee will have periodic telephone calls with Nebraska Department of Economic Development to establish the legislative activities that will impact economic development. The committee will work with the Nebraska Department of Economic Development to present this legislation to the NEDA Board of Directors and the membership during Legislative Day. In addition the committee will draft letters to senators when needed, and keep the general membership informed of the progress of the legislative bills NEDA designated as a priority.
Section 8.5 Education Committee: The Education Committee will plan educational content for the conference, recommend to the full board the educational opportunities NEDA should sponsor throughout the year and decide upon and plan for the NEDA Educational Seminar which will replace a second conference. The Education Committee shall work directly with the host city community to ensure that the membership receives a meaningful educational experience.
Section 8.6 Conference Committee: The Conference Committee shall be responsible for the entire planning and coordination of the Annual Meeting. The Conference Committee shall work directly with the NEDA Board of Directors, the Education Committee, the host community and the meeting location (facility and lodging). The Conference Committee shall focus on state/local sponsorships, lodging, logistics, membership notification and registration.
Section 8.7 Social Media Committee: The Social Media Committee will be charged with sharing information the general membership will be interested in. The Social Media Committee should consist of other organizations such as MAEDC, NREDA, Heartland Basic, IAMC, etc. The members shall be proficient in using Twitter, Facebook, Vine. Etc.
Section 9.1 Contracts: The NEDA Board of Directors may authorize any Officer or Officers of the corporation to enter into any contract or to execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of NEDA. Such authority may be general or confined to a specified need. NEDA currently has contracts in place for member services, educational services and a variety of other administrative services deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
Section 9.2 Checks, Drafts and Other: All checks, drafts or order for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of NEDA shall be approved and signed by both the President and Treasurer of NEDA. The Vice President may approve and sign in the absence of the President or Treasurer.
Section 9.3 Deposits: All funds of NEDA shall be deposited in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board of Directors deems appropriate.
Section 9.4 Gifts: The NEDA Board of Directors may accept contributions and gifts on behalf of the corporation.
NEDA shall keep accurate and complete records of all monetary accounts of the corporation and shall also keep minutes of the membership, Board of Directors and Committee meetings. All records are available for inspection by any Director, Member or designated agent at the main office. All records of the organization shall be maintained at the main office of NEDA located at 521 1st St, Milford, NE 68405.
NEDA’s fiscal year begins on the first day of January and ends the last day of December of each year.
Whenever any notice is required to be given under the provisions of the Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation Act or under the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or the By-Laws of NEDA, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice.
The by-laws of NEDA may be altered, amended or repealed and new by-laws adopted by a majority vote of the full membership base present at any regular or special membership meeting. A ten (10) day advance notice shall be given to the membership base of the intention to alter, amend, repeal or adopt new by-laws. Said notice shall include a written copy of the proposed amendments to the by-laws.
No dividend shall be paid and no part of the funds of the association shall be distributed to its members, directors or officers except as provided by law. Upon dissolution of the association, the assets remaining after payment of all its obligations shall be distributed to a succeeding organization, an organization having similar objectives or to any worthy charity or charities
The above amended by-laws of NEDA are hereby adopted this 26th day of September, 2008 and we do hereby repeal any and all prior by-laws approved by this organization. An amendment was approved on May 15, 2009. An amendment was approved on May 14, 2010. An amendment was approved in September 24, 2010. An amendment was approved on June 13, 2019.
Adopted August 26, 2021 Brian Vasa, President
Adopted June 13, 2019 Pat Haverty, President
Adopted September 26, 2008 Lance Hedquist, President
Amended, May 15, 2009 Lance Hedquist, President
Amended, May 14, 2010 Devin Meisinger CEcD, President
Amended September 24, 2010 Devin Meisinger, CEcD, President
Amended September 4, 2014 Jennifer Wolf, President
Amended June 13, 2019 Pat Haverty, CEcD President